Keith Josiah

For almost my entire life I have been fascinated with color, and while I've always used color and shapes to express and bring my imagination to life, I was never confident in myself enough to call it “art.” Many people, including my family, didn’t know about my relationship with art. It wasn’t until recent years that I realized that I can leave my mark on this world with it. I can change lives, I can inspire and give hope through my artworks. Although I still struggle with insecurities, this realization has made me more brave. I may not have professional means, but all I ever needed was a chance.

My honest and sincere inspiration has always been to express so that people when be impacted, inspired, understood and know that they were listened to, cared about, heard, thought of and considered. I want my art to be seen first and felt second.

For more information about the artist, please visit his website.