Nikolas Soren Goodich

We are mirrors...our minds are mirrors of nature...we literally mirror one another as members of the same species and as conjoined members of our shared cultures. These ideas are metaphors and facts and they also present many apparent paradoxes. Paradoxes such as, who's that looking back at me in that mirror — from within that artwork ?

I started making this new body of work entitled Inverted Double Portraits:No1/Any1/Every1/You/Me/Them/Us in June of 2019, composed of monotype diptychs printed on paper or printed on multiple layers of plexiglass and canvas assembled together into luminous layered paintings. In them I examine both the idea of and the literal formal use of an interpenetration of multiple layers of information or simultaneity, a study of paradox, and ideas of symmetry or mirroring.

Portraiture presented as both a symbol — a visual language — and also as emotional narratives, with people-as-symbols interacting equally with both 'themselves' and with others. These Inverted Double Portraits examine the complex nature of our dual act of be-ing in the world and of projecting our private selves out upon the world; mirroring the structures of both language and of creativity itself. In these "faces" I see No1/Any1/Every1/You/Me/Them/Us. They ask us to look at ourselves and at how we think of others and at how we want others to see us, as well...

For more information about the artist, please visit his website.