Raisa Ambros

I have a special passion for color, which I mix in an original way to create my abstract paintings. My artworks are highly therapeutic through the use of colors, forms and flow of the energy. These paintings are meant to be contemplated, to by hung in different positions, each time manifesting a new dimension, meaning, inspiration, energy, regeneration, or mood. Rich in details, the works playfully open up to an infinite number of interpretations.

I re-discovered the joy of painting through art therapy, which I now also practice. The leitmotiv of my creations is the flow of the energy through the color and movement of the forms, a healing process that sometimes was created consciously, sometimes unconsciously, painting in a state of beatitude and in connection with the universe. I leave the inspiration to guide me as my feeling is stronger than a coordinated creation.

For more information about the artist, please visit their website.