Elizabeth Sher


Available Works


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Elizabeth Sher's love of nature and her concerns about our environment and the devastating effects of climate change have evolved to include the broadened landscape of possibilities offered by the inclusion of digital tools in her process. Works on paper, canvas and metal, artists books and video all focus on her these interests as well as women, aging and pop culture sometimes with a healthy dose of humor as she confronts everyday life in our complex modern world. As she also makes films, her framing is essential to the composition of each shot - but more generally, her entire practice could be accurately summed up as an ongoing process of framing/editing. Over the last decade Sher's work begins with visual impressions specific to the international artist residencies she has attended. Back in her Oakland studio she edits, transforms and distills these images into more fully realized artworks. The eventual encounter between the viewer and the work - that most crucial and refreshingly unpredictable moment - is the most important aspect of her practice.

“…feminist consciousness, love of nature and the everyday are reflected in Sher's work. Nature and technology vie for the upper hand, as she examines our world with technological skill and the quickness and fluidity of hand drawn marks and paint.” Cheryl Meeker, critic, writer and artist

Artist Resume

Mica England