David Rohn

I've been interested in social and personal issues and especially the ways these intersect and collide. The socio / political environment is diverse and contradictory in ways that are interesting to examine and to de-construct as a way of understanding why it can be so difficult to feel connected to the larger whole or, sometimes, to oneself.

 The scale and complexity of the social and political constructs are so large now, and the ways they re held together and split apart, not least through an ever wider range of lines of communication, seem more socially dis-integrative than ever. 

The art of any civilization is a reflection of that civilization. In our case, theory and ideology-based solutions are often considered in overall, or ‘blanket’ form which may at times seem rigid, or at least a viewpoint that considers forests over trees, so to speak. 

As a way of balancing this, I like to consider smaller units, and in particular, individual people within series, instead of perceived groups, as we often do in our socio-political and aesthetic discourse.

For more information about the artist, please visit his website.