Suzana Brown

Art is a powerful medium through which we share our thoughts and ideas, the ways we see and feel the world around us…. and the way we see ourselves. My work in the past ten years has been inspired by the ordinary moments and everyday objects that surround us. If we dare to pause and look closely, we can find amazing stories in our surroundings. People who connect to my images see something of themselves in them. I think of my photographs as unfinished interpretations of everyday life that are waiting for viewers to move into spaces I have designed for them. My work ranges from street photography to studio conceptual work. I use a documentary approach when taking pictures in order to tell a story of my surroundings.

Once in my "darkroom," I find that editing is where I am most creative, where my inner painter emerges. This layered approach is what allows me to express a range of emotions in my work. I find myself continually returning to the simplicity and elegance of black and white images.

For more information about the artist, please visit her website.